We do worldwide shipping.
Products are directly shipped from the vendor's/manufacture's warehouse to the buyer (both domesitc and international). Since goods are shipped directly from the manufacturer's warehouse, you save on shipping cost. We can't consolidate packages that carry goods from different manufacturer in a single box.
Many manufacturers have exclusive relationship with distributors in specific countries. We can only ship the products in those countries through the respective distributors.
If buyer uses his own shipper:
Buyer can choose to use his own shipper. In that case, buyer can skip paying for the shipping charges. Buyer can then contact us at and provide us with the shipping company details and we will coordinate with buyer's shipper. We will coordinate with buyer's shipper.
If buyer wants us to ship:
Buyer can request us to ship by paying for shipping charges. We will automatically insure the goods at 110% of the value. Shipment will be delivered to the interntional delivery address.
Shipping documents:
Buyer should let us know at the time of checkout which documents will be needed to be sent with the shipment (however, it may delay the shipment). Our invoice is attached with the shipment and for any international transaction, this is the most critical document. We send a copy of the invoice to the buyer in advance via email before the shipment is ready.
Custom clearance in foreign country:
Buyer is responsbile to pay for the custom duties or any other duties in the home country whether we ship or the buyer arranges for the shipment.
Each manufacturer on our website has its own return policy. Please directly check with the manufacturer for returns.
Each manufacturer has its own policy. Buying through us doesn't change manufacturer's warranty policy or period. Please contact the seller for any warranty related matters directly.
We don't collect taxes for international sales. We can collect taxes on behalf of the manufacturer for domestic sales as per manufacturer's requirements.